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Embodied Spirituality

A gentle spiritual revolution

By 4 March 2021October 13th, 2024No Comments14 min read

For many people, the quest for a spiritual life turns out to be a painful process, full of mental and physical suffering, which disconnects them from their surroundings and in which people sometimes lose themselves completely. It's a pity, because the aim is still to enrich your life by having fun along the way, and there are ways of going about it gently, for yourself and for those around you.

The problem is that we don't have many points of reference when we set out to find our soul, because we're not used to talking about this kind of subject in our society and we often underestimate the effect that our questioning will have on those around us. However, when you decide to discover your inner life, your journey will have repercussions all around you. You are an individual, of course, but you are also part of several communities, and your actions and choices will automatically influence the people who share your life.

Often, without realising it, with your new spiritual life, you drop a bomb on all the beliefs on which your loved ones have built their lives, and it's understandable that this can be a little unsettling. Show a little patience when you start talking about your past lives, your connection with other dimensions, the evolution of consciousness, etc. and your loved ones find it a little strange.

Stay true to yourself and with time you'll be able to lead the people around you to an understanding and even to reflection on their own lives and beliefs. They'll see that a spiritual life doesn't require us to radically change who we are; on the contrary, it helps us to embody our true self even more, to become even more ourselves and to live in a completely authentic way.

Respect your feelings

When you embark on a spiritual path, it's important to respect your own pace and not to force your progress. What works for other people doesn't necessarily work for you, so there's no need to compare yourself with someone else, because no two life paths are the same.

There are no rules or obligations when it comes to opening up your consciousness. It's up to you to shape your life from A to Z with your spiritual awareness. If there is a "recommendation" at this level, it is that the more something is beneficial to your physical and mental health and brings you happiness, the better it is for your spiritual life. The more something is in harmony with life, the better it is for you.

A good example is eating habits: you don't have to become a frugivore, eat raw or feed yourself only on prana to become spiritual. You can try all these things to experience them for yourself and then make up your diet as you feel it. There are no rules or methods that work for everyone: listen to your body and it will guide you towards what suits you best. For example, I would be deeply unhappy if I could never again enjoy a good glass of wine. For me, it's essential to enjoy my material life while developing my spiritual life. All the same, I know that there are other people who don't feel this need at all.

Another example is vegetarianism: objectively speaking, there's no denying that vegetarianism is better for our planet and for the well-being of animals. On the other hand, if you're not ready to give up meat, there's no point in forcing yourself, because you'll just create frustration. Instead, try to reduce your meat consumption a little and replace certain meals. When you're really ready, the vegetarian choice will become a conscious choice and will be easily incorporated into your new lifestyle.

Here's a key: evolve gradually, don't rush and your lifestyle will automatically follow your state of consciousness. Little by little, new habits and new consumer choices will naturally find their way into your life and replace the old habits that no longer suit you.
Take the example of my glass of wine: I still drink it from time to time, but I buy quality organic wines. Not only does this choice suit me better in terms of its environmental impact, it's also much better for my skin and digestion.

Don't do things that make you feel uncomfortable or that cause stress. The spiritual path is most easily and quickly travelled in joy and wonder. Just because your friend has opened her third eye by chanting mantras in a spiritual chanting group doesn't mean you have to follow her. If the idea of chanting with other people already makes you nervous in advance, it's because this is not the method for you. Let go of all the beliefs about spirituality and suffering that persist in our society: you don't need to suffer by doing things you don't like in order to raise your consciousness.

If your choices always reflect your state of being, your present moment, those closest to you will find it easier to accept your new life choices, because they will feel that your circumstances are simply adapting to who you are.

On the other hand, if you do things reluctantly, because you think you have to, if you adopt habits without joy and full of doubts about their usefulness, they'll feel it too. If you already don't have confidence in the path you've chosen, you can't expect other people to support you in your endeavours.

Be yourself

A spiritual opening will make you work on the perception you have of yourself, on the image you project around you, and some people may be tempted to change their appearance to create a "spiritual" image. Watch out for this: dreadlocks and hippie trousers don't make you any more spiritual, so there's no point in stopping wearing make-up and swapping all your pumps for birkenstocks to fit a mould that doesn't suit you. Unless, of course, you've always dreamed of wearing birkenstocks and never really had the opportunity to do so. Every choice in life is highly individual. The more you are true to yourself, the more your spiritual life will develop.

Everything has its reason for being: the place where you were born, the family that surrounds you, the physique you have, and so on. Before coming to earth, you made a conscious choice to arrive in a certain situation and in a certain environment. Everything around you serves a purpose and is so because you felt it was the best environment in which to learn what you have to learn and to experience what you have to experience.

The best proof of this is that you are awake today. This means that your path was perfectly designed to lead you to where you are today.

Don't become an imitation of someone you think is very "spiritual" or someone you admire. Chart your own course - an imitation is never as good as the original.

The same goes for ancient traditions, doctrines and beliefs: there's nothing wrong with enriching yourself in India, spending time in an ashram, studying Egyptian mysticism or consulting sacred books, but don't forget to integrate all this knowledge and transpose it to today and now. Take the teachings that inspire you and bring all these things back to today, make them evolve. Don't cling to the past: the world and energy are evolving so fast that what was said yesterday already needs to evolve today.

Use your discernment and creativity: what speaks to me, what information is useful for my development and how can I integrate it into my life and adapt it to my personality? Don't just copy and paste, that's out of date.

This is also one of the keys to reassuring your family and friends: they need to know and feel that you're thinking things through, that you're using your discernment and that you're not blindly following one person or one teaching. So it's not a question of abandoning yourself to a method, but of integrating the method.

Be transparent

Always be honest about what you are experiencing and don't hide your spiritual life. What is hidden quickly becomes obscure. For thousands of years, awakened and connected people have suffered from the fact that they had to hide, that their spirituality was lived in secret and that they deviated from the norm at the risk of their own lives and those of their loved ones: persecutions by religious institutions, governments, witch hunts, etc.

Today we can speak freely (in most parts of the world) about what we experience, so let's do it. There's no need to hide, because planetary evolution has ensured that we can express ourselves and thus help consciousness to evolve.

There's no need to take another name either. Why hide behind a pseudonym? Aren't you taking 100% responsibility for who you are and what you're experiencing? Or does your new name express an unfulfilled need in your personal life? Is your everyday personality different from your spiritual personality? Why dissociate the 2?

You no longer need to explain yourself or define yourself with titles either. Your possibilities are unlimited, depending on what you decide to explore and develop. After all the work of liberation, it would be a shame to put yourself back into a box.
I called myself a spiritual catalyst because I thought I needed to explain what I was doing. The problem is that this word doesn't indicate who I am, it indicates a function.

The essence of who I am is Anaïs and all my actions flow from this source. I don't want to limit myself with a label. Yes, I speak with nature and its spirits, I do meditations, I receive news of people who have died and I communicate with beings from other dimensions, but I'm not a medium, a healer, a 'channel' or a druid... I'm Anaïs and this name gives me all the legitimacy I need to do all these things.

Be yourself, it's the only title that no one else can assume and the only function that no one else can fulfil.

You are not the oracle of Delphi

The downside of transparency is spiritual exhibitionism. Sometimes the expression "Speech is silver, silence is gold" takes on its full meaning. Even if you feel the need to express your doubts, fears, wounds and emotions to your family and friends, they may not be ready to listen. Just because you've come a long way and are ready to let go of certain things to lighten your load, doesn't mean that they're in the same situation. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't express yourself, but you should know how to measure things out and a certain amount of caution is advisable. If you suddenly unleash all the emotions and frustrations you've been suppressing for years on your loved ones, they may not understand. Your clumsiness will make them feel uncomfortable and limit the scope for discussion. They may close up and build a shell so as not to be hurt by your outbursts.

By the same token: Don't go telling people their future, telling them what you see in their auras or even advising them without being asked to do so. Not only is this very impolite, it's also very insensitive. You're intruding on the person's privacy and that's not often appreciated. Everyone has free will and finding your own way is part of that choice. If you do not respect this process by intervening without invitation, you are disturbing the order of things.

Imagine a doctor bothering all the smokers he knows about the years of life they have left. Or an educator friend coming to tell you how to bring up your children... If you want people to respect your lifestyle and your individual path, you first have to respect the path and choices of others.

For the same reason: never carry out energy work, healing or distance healing if the person concerned is not aware of it or does not agree with it. You have no right to do so. It's very simple: you can't exert an influence on another person without that person knowing, however good your intentions may be. The only exception is when the person is incapable of responding to you or asking for your help: e.g. seriously injured or disabled people... In this case you connect with your own consciousness and the consciousness of the person and ask if you have permission to act.

Black magic = influencing someone's life or behaviour, or taking power over someone. White magic is always performed with the agreement of all parties.

If people have questions, want your help or your opinion, they will come to you. At least if you're transparent about what you do 😉

Find your rightful place

You are neither better nor worse than anyone else. Your spiritual openness doesn't make you better than others, and your inexperience doesn't make you inferior. All the people on earth today are here to heal the planet and to prepare its evolution. Even the people you despise, the people who seem to be here to do the opposite or the people who don't realise it. You have a role to play in the whole, as does everyone around you.

Today humanity is ready for each individual to become master of his or her own destiny and evolution. This doesn't mean that you can't learn from others, or be inspired by the path that others have taken before you. It just means that at some point you need to emancipate yourself, to detach yourself from the teachings that come from outside and let what you have inside you flow.
Gurus were useful in the past, but the time of the masters is passing. They planted the seeds that made the current evolution of consciousness possible. They were precursors in times when few people had access to the subtle worlds and humanity still needed intermediaries. Today, their examples motivate us to explore our full potential. The transmissions of the past and those of the present all aim to guide you towards your independence and to help you integrate your spiritual consciousness into your material life.