Dear ones,
I am here representing your ancestors, your lineage, although I might not be a direct blood ancestor of yours, you all feel like my children.It is sad that most of you no longer have a connection to your ancestors, for they are part of your journey and knowing them helps you understand who you are. You can trust your ancestors, always. You can trust that the wisdom of your ancestors is with you, that they support you in your journey.Honour your ancestors, because by doing this you also honour yourself. You honour a different aspect of yourself, for you are the fruit of their tree. As the fruit, you are also the tree. You are part of them, they are part of you. In a way, they are different aspects of you incarnate, be compassionate towards those (past) aspects of yourself.
The best way to honour your ancestors is by carrying forth their wisdom and bringing light into your lineage by clearing away the obstacles contained within your ancestry. You do this by consciously recognising and researching the obstacles contained within the lineage and releasing yourself from toxic bonds (and also your lineage as a consequence).You prune the tree so that it may better grow. You live in an extraordinary era where it is not only possible to clear your own karma but to clear the collective karma as well. If you are alive today, this means you have been selected as a worthy emissary of your ancestors and your lineage to represent them during one of the most powerful and important moments in the history of the universe. You have been chosen, and you accepted, to seed the light of the aquarian era into your lineage.
To clear the lineage, you have to fully step into your purpose and allow your soul to express itself in everything you do. Paradoxically, the people who can resist most your stepping into your purpose, are the living members of your lineage (parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles) because while you consciously transcend and break infernal cycles, you are breaking those people out of the same patterns as well. This can be very confrontational, especially because eventually this will make the realise that the prison they have limited themselves to is of their own making. Know that none of your direct ancestors really had the tools that you do now. They lived in complete darkness, while your light has been switched back on. So, don’t be resentful for them not tapping into these capacities as it was a lot harder for them. Instead be grateful that they agreed to be the vessel through which you were able to incarnate.
Your children will hold you accountable if you don’t commit to your purpose, like you do with your parents. The more you resist stepping into your purpose, the greater the conflict will be with your children. If you don’t step into your purpose, your children will not be able to trust you for how could they trust someone that is not even being true to themselves? This is why they rebel against you.
You honour your ancestors by honouring their wisdom, their spiritual and intellectual legacy. This legacy is not something you can learn from anyone. You will probably not learn this from your parents as they have forgotten how to tap into their heritage. You will not learn this in school, partly because your history lessons are only focused on the experiences and viewpoints of a couple of individuals and a very limited number of “timeframes” - or “space-frames” to be more accurate. Understanding the history of humanity, the history of the planet and the universe through what you learn in school, is like trying to understand and learn mathematics only using the number one. It gives part of the possibilities, but only a very small part.When we used to teach “history” lessons, we used to make our young people feel and connect to the different possibilities, different perspectives. If they would connect to a battlefield for example, they would connect to everyone’s feelings and thoughts from both sides, and not just the two people in charge.
In the field of thoughts, and on a level of consciousness and intuitive learning, your educational system has stayed at the stage of black and white photography and forgotten that there are media that exist like radio, sound, movies, colour, telepathy smell, etc.
You can connect to your heritage by reading the book contained within. Your DNA is a vast library, the akashic record within, containing the combined history of your entire lineage. You honour that history by acknowledging it, using its wisdom, transforming the darkness contained within and sharing the gifts and assets into the collective.
Be grateful towards your ancestors for they allowed you to incarnate, while so many souls are eagerly waiting for the same opportunity! It is a sign of immense trust that they chose you and trust you to clear the lineage and carry the torch forward into a new golden age.
With all my love, and that of your ancestors,
Anna - Channeled by Anaïs