Inner Fire
This evening I've reconnected you to the energy of the dragon. I awakened the dragon within, because each of you carries the energy of a dragon. This dragon is your inner fire, your creative force, your power. It is the movement of life expressed through you, even if this energy is not just metaphorical, the dragon within is very real. It is by awakening the energy of your inner dragon, that you awaken the energy of the dragons of the earth and reactivate the energy lines of the earth. It is by allowing the energy of the dragon to come through you, that you allow the earth to be reborn, to live again. Your dragon is life itself that wishes to express itself through every part of your being. If you don't express this life force, if you don't channel the dragon, it will create resistance within, it will create anger, sadness, illness. Free your dragon, express yourself. Now is no longer a time to withhold or limit your self-expression, to withhold your light and your radiance.
Own who you are and own your light. Cultivate what makes you feel alive, what allows you to experience and feel the pure and vibrant frequency of life in every ounce of your being. Allow yourself to be touched by life, to let life come through you. Stop protecting yourself, stop running away, stop trying to control everything or fear everything. Stop fearing. Put a halt to this sterile life, for this is making you sick, it is killing your soul, your spirit, it is extinguishing your fire and killing your dragon. Share the things that make you feel alive, share the fire within, share your creative force, your inner volcano and let it flow freely. The dragon that was activated was the dragon of the earth, the golden dragon. If you cultivate and awaken your inner dragon, the dragon of the heavens will also integrate and this is when high alchemy can operate within and you will start to transcend your reality and illuminate your being.
Brigid - channeled by Anaïs