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Community Gatherings

Community is important and very much needed in this day and age. Coming together to share and cultivate what is important to us and what we’re passionate about is what knits us together, keeps us going, supports our journey and is also a way for us to support others and give more meaning to our lives and actions. Communities are platforms for change, laboratories for new ways of being together - proving that the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.

Magdalene Community

There are different ways to connect to the Magdalene Community

Join one of the Magdalene Initiations and be part of regular online circles and meet peers who are in a similar consciousness

Join our regular events such as the prayer and meditation circles in Glastonbury, the yearly Magdalene Festival, Project Red Thread embroidery circles, etc.

Connect to like-hearted people in the Magdalene Facebook Group

Participate in free weekly prayer circles at the online Church of Love

Church of Love

The Church of Love is a weekly online gathering taking place from 9.30–10am (GMT) on Sunday mornings. This initiative is inspired by the Cathar prophecy of an emerging spirituality with the capacity to unite people in love - beyond the borders of dogma, language, culture, tradition or religion.

The space is held by Anaïs or others who have completed the Path of the Magdalene or Path of the Grail initiation and is an opportunity to gather in prayer or meditation.

Our intention is to offer a space to nourish the divine within and without and to offer spiritual support when and where needed.

The format will look slightly different each week as every person holding space brings their own energy and practise, but the space will always be inspired and protected by the presence and energy of the rose, Mary Magdalene and Christ.