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Avalon of the Heart
22 December 2024 @ 14:00 - 16:30

Avalon has been a convergence point for mystical seekers and teachers across the ages
and for good reason. Also known as the Heart Chakra of the planet, this power place is
a temple for the high mysteries of heart ascension, alchemy and Hieros Gamos (divine mariage).
You enter Avalon a certain way, you leave different. It is a place of profound transformation
that has the capacity to open the individual to limitless potential and expansion, if....
they are ready to face their inner incoherence and address frequencies of untruth, to dive
into the dark mysteries and have the willpower to swim back to the surface.
This magical realm of higher consciousness that is hiding behind the mists of Glastonbury
and encoded within the physical landmarks of the town such as the Tor, the Chalice Well and
the Abbey, has been my home for more than 7 years and the mystery temple that has initiated
and ordained me into the lineage of the rose and the wisdom path of the Magdalene. Over the
years I have been able to access multiple layers of understanding and wisdom within its rich
mystical tapestry and uncover some of its secrets and hidden stories that explain why Avalon
was held in such high regard and why it has such an important role to play on our planet in these
times of great change and potential evolution.
Join me as we lift the veil together on the connection between Avalon, alchemy, Mary Magdalene,
Merlin, Joseph of Arimathea, the druids, the mystery traditions of Sumer and Babylon and so much
more.... This is my love letter and homage to the land I was married to for over 7 years.
Practical Information
The talk and workshop will take place on Sunday the 22nd of December 2024 from
2 to 4.30PM UK time. Participation is donation based with a minimum contribution
of £10.
To participate, you can subscribe HERE: https://www.pathofthemagdalene.academy/offers/RPozrbrZ