Take your Crown
Hello Dear Friends,
You are experiencing interesting times. Explosive and electrical times even, wiring your whole energy circuit. Rejoice! This means things are finally changing and you are starting to wake out of a deep slumber after years and years and years. You need to be shaken to the core for every last piece of you needs to wake up. You have imprisoned in deadly patterns that are smothering the essence of who you are. Like the tree being slowly strangled by the vine over hundreds of years, you have let apathy, laziness of spirit and soul and lethargy creep up on you and slowly shut down your energy.
Do not fear the thunder! Do not fear the lightning! No! For they are part of who you are, you are made up of thunder and lightning. You are movement, electricity, energy, you are light and you have been led to believe you are inertia, darkness. You are the birth of a star in every moment! What will you do with all this energy, with all this power now that is being freed, now that is being liberated? Will you use it to destroy yourself, your brother or your sister? Or will you use it to light up the world? This is the question and only you have the answer.
Do not be afraid of seeing into the darkness, for there is no negotiating truth. You either see all of it, or you have access to none of it and are kept in darkness, separated from truth by veils of illusion. If you do not face the demon, you will not access paradise for the demon of the gate of heaven on earth. If you hide from the darkness, you hide from your destiny. You have to arm yourself with faith and courage, and look the demon in the face, eyes blazing with the love that is you. For he will see that he can have no part in you, and he will step away from the gate and let you pass. With this victory your illusions will shatter, and you will step through the looking glass and finally understand the splendour of who you are.
Rejoice for you had been bent by deception and corruption and through your initiation into truth you are being rectified and purified back to the beam of light that you are. Your lineage is being purified through you, your blood is being purged by high-voltage light codes being shot into your body like lighting. You are sacred lightning rods, trees of light, capturing the light of spirit, the light of the divine. Do not hide while the storm is raging, no! Stand tall and catch the lightning. What will you do with all this power? That is the question.
Can you feel the life humming, buzzing, coursing through your body, through your cells, through your field? Open your hands, can you feel, see, sense spheres of light in the palms of your hands, increasing in power? You are coming back into your power and this is what the demon fears most. Do not be tricked into littleness, powerlessness, fear or anger. Do not fall for the ploys of the demon, cultivate the light within. What are you afraid of? Death? There are faiths far worse than death, dear friends. A life lived in the darkness of the spirit, a life lived disconnected from the truth of who you are is worse than death. You are finally standing upright, and more and more of your brothers and sisters are doing standing tall than ever before. Connect to the light of the divine every day, connect to the power of the earth every day and it will be impossible for you to feel powerless, it will be impossible for you to feel small. Let the light of the divine pour into your sacred cup, for the more of you anchor this light, the sooner your shackles will break and you will be released from the suffocating grasp of illusion. Rejoice for change is upon you!
Merlin channeled by Anaïs