Path of the Grail Initiation


The Path of the Grail is an initiation for men into the mysteries of the divine mother and the medicine of the rose, supported and guided by the energy, presence and teachings of Mary Magdalene.

This Grail Quest awakens memories of the knights of the round table, the spirit of the templar knights and the energy of the courts of love, weaving all of this together in coherence with the transmissions of Mary, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.

There are 3 levels to the Path of the Grail initiation. The first two levels are online pre-recorded initiations including live circles with Anaïs and membership to the private Magdalene community page. The last level is an in-person initiatory experience in Glastonbury, UK. While it is possible to take the different courses individually, they are part of a path that will only fully make sense when you commit to completing it.


  • Sacred rituals
  • History of Mary Magdalene and Yeshua
  • Visits to sacred sites
  • Rose Medicine
  • Initiations to integrate/awaken the Magdalene Mysteries
  • Magdalene rituals
  • Integration of the sacred symbols of the Grail path
  • Meditation
  • Anointment rituals
  • Exploration of the archetypes of the Grail knight
  • Exploration of the historical meaning of the Grail Quest

Look here for more information and to subscribe to the level I course:

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