There is an embedded fear within us to walk the feminine path, to learn the way of the Goddess. There are multiple reasons for this. Firstly, it is a path that requires us to relinquish control, it asks of us to surrender to life, to let it move through us and express itself instead of trying to define and mould it to our pre-conceived and programmed ideas of what it should look like. Secondly, it requires of us to show up vulnerable. We don’t like being vulnerable and we don’t like losing control. Our whole lives we are taught how to try to control unmanageable and unforeseeable circumstances, we try to secure ourselves against all eventualities in life and somewhere in the process we lose our capacity to meet life fully.
Even in some spiritual thought, there is a belief that people who are no longer moved by emotion, who reach a stoic state of being are more evolved than people who experience their emotions, who feel deeply. This is not the path of the mother. Her way is not to cut ourselves off from our senses, our emotions, our feelings… On the contrary she asks us to have the humility to feel. Her way is not to run away from our feelings and become hard like rocks, but to be in the movement, flowing, like a river.
We can allow ourselves to feel when we journey with Her. For any encounter with the Goddess will break down a number of walls within, which means that our emotions now have space to move. We no longer get stuck in them, we don’t have to be afraid of being submerged and drowning for we have learned to be open and allow energies to move through us. Our feelings and emotions will ripple through us in waves, allowing us to hear their hidden messages. But our sadness, pain and anger will not take up residence within, like it would if we were to suppress and hide it.